Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer is winding down

It's been a great summer! We did Freedom Fest on AAFB with the kind help of the Tofte's once again. No accidents, a great success. We also hosted the Guam Girl Scouts as part of their summer program. After a safety briefing and introduction to the horses all the girls were able to ride on a pony in the round pen. Deanna, Melissa, and I enjoyed walking the ponies for the girls. The girls were a pleasure to host. The trail rides and pony rides continue by apointment and we are pleased to welcome our newest volunteers - Melissa (AAFB) and Morgan (USN)both military spouses who volunteer their time on the ranch helping with all aspects of caring for the horses. Wonderful people who share a love of horses, a respect for hard work. We love and appreciate all they do.